Looking forward to a great 2025
Each year the College receives an allocation of funds to support its students aged 16-18. Students who are 18 at the start of the course but turn 19 during the academic year (i.e.; after 31 August) are also eligible.
The funds are intended to support students who face financial barriers to participate in education. There are two types of bursaries available: Vulnerable Student Bursary and Discretionary Student Bursary. Find out more information and if you are eligible by clicking on the links below:
Guidance Notes and Applications
16 - 19 Small Group Funding
Policy Statement
The Department of Education has recently announced the availability of national £96 million the 16-19 Tuition Fund to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of the COVID pandemic for the academic year 2020-2021. ‘Catch Up To Education – CUTE’ The 16 to 19 tuition fund is £96 million of one-off funding for the 2020 to 2021
This 16-19 Tuition Fund (Catch Up to Education- CUTE) is available to all 16 to 19 providers such as Newman College and is ring-fenced for 16-19 small group tuition in Mathematics, English and other courses which were severely disrupted by closure.
The guidance indicates that the supported students must:
be on a 16 to 19 study programme and have not achieved grade 5 or above in GCSE Mathematics and/or English by age 16.
Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 19 to 24 who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan will also be eligible for support via the 16 to 19 Tuition Fund.
Newman College commits to using the small group tuition funding that it has been given to provide Mathematics/English and Vocational support to mitigate against the impact of the pandemic on our study programme students. Sessions will be limited to tailored groups of three to five students and will be above and beyond normal timetabled hours. Students will be prioritised for small group tuition based on the guidance released by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) The full guidance can be accessed here.
Mathematics and English catch-up support sessions will be prioritised for those students:
who have not achieved a grade 4 in English and/or Mathematics
with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan
with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), particularly where they have experienced additional disruption to learning as a result of their specific needs and disabilities
who will benefit most from small group tuition
Vocational support sessions including study skills support will be prioritised for those students:
where assessment has been deferred because of lockdown
with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan
who have not achieved a grade 4 in English and/or Mathematics
If our funding allocation allows, support may also be provided for those students who have achieved a grade 4 in GCSE maths and/or English by age 16.
Eligible learners will receive approximately five hours of small group tuition over the course of the academic year with an English or Mathematics specialist support tutor. These tutors will be from our current staff body and from additional external recruitment.
The 5 hours of support, will be given in 5 x 1-hour blocks. Learners will be grouped into groups that are no larger than 5 to receive this bespoke support. A diagnostic assessment will be undertaken prior to support starting. The support will run in two blocks post October half-term (2020) and the second post-Christmas (Spring 2021).